Microsoft 365

          Your Guide to Microsoft's Graph Developer Proxy

          Developing new apps, programs and websites on a large scale is quite an undertaking and requires a lot of resources ...

          Developing new apps, programs and websites on a large scale is quite an undertaking and requires a lot of resources from companies, even large ones. Months and sometimes years go into the development and design phases. The testing that follows can be just as arduous. Luckily, the Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy can make it easier to deal with errors.

          unsplash - stock - software developer - graph api-2How Does Microsoft's Graph Developer Proxy Work?

          Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy is a tool that allows developers to test their applications that use the Microsoft Graph API, without having to deploy them to a production environment. It allows developers to test their applications locally by intercepting and forwarding API requests to the Microsoft Graph API.

          The proxy also allows developers to test their applications in a secure environment by providing a way to set up authentication and authorization for the API requests. The tool is available as an open-source project on GitHub and can work in conjunction with the Microsoft Graph Toolkit.

          So how can this help developers? Thanks to the improved ability to test applications in a controlled way, companies have a better chance to catch problems before the app launches. Sometimes, certain errors don't happen until the app is live and experiences significant demand. Those bugs can be tough to track and fix with a published app.

          With this proxy update for the Microsoft Graph API, developers have more options for simulating the kinds of usage scenarios that could happen. There is a better chance to encounter an error that could be a problem for the end user before the public even gets the app.

          The goal of Microsoft's Graph Developer Proxy isn't necessarily to eliminate every error. Many programmers will be able to use it to see if their failsafe features in the app work as expected. Sometimes the hope is to see an error occur and make sure the app handles the problem without crashing and without major usability issues.

          Using Microsoft Graph Proxy

          To get started using the proxy, you need to download the .exe file or repository that contains the program and install it. Once it's ready, you can begin testing your applications against real-world conditions while still being in a controlled environment. You also get to test these issues without adding a load of work to the Microsoft Graph API itself since the proxy handles the processes.

          The application is available for Windows, Mac and Linux machines, so you can add it to all the machines in your network. With everyone using the same tool, there is less stress about getting work done in a decentralized company setup.

          Cloud Migration CTA

          Configure the Proxy

          To start using the proxy, you need to configure it. The system needs to understand what you are looking to learn and what errors and data to generate. Set the error codes you are looking for so you can see how your app handles them and what that looks like for the end user.

          You have the option of using predetermined scenarios or providing your own mocks for the tests. It's a good idea to do both. With the default tests, you can get information about the risks of common problems based on the type of app or program you are creating. If you have something very unique or have a specific worry, providing your own mock error can be very helpful. This flexibility makes the Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy even more useful.

          Thanks to the open nature of this project, you can also check out what other developers have created and tested to get new ideas for ways to test your project that your team may not have thought of.

          Run a Test

          To get started, open the proxy and let it run. While it is still open, use the terminal to launch the app that needs testing. A web browser will open with the app and begin running it while sending the predetermined error codes to the app to create a response. How often the errors happen will depend on the settings you picked during configuration. For instance, if you set a 50% fail rate, the proxy will introduce an error 50% of the time it runs the app.

          In the terminal window, you can see the results of which queries led to failures and which didn't. With this data, you can see how the app's behavior changes due to certain errors and make adjustments if the results are not within the acceptable range.

          Doing this in a controlled proxy environment rather than after publishing the app reduces the need to push major updates to users later. Not only does that cause dissatisfaction for your clients, but it also slows down the development team. Those designers will have to spend time working on fixes rather than real improvements.

          A great part about the proxy is that the project is still evolving. Once you start using it, you can share your tests with others and provide feedback for Microsoft's developers on ways to make the workflow better.

          Cloud Migration CTA

          Improve Your Processes With Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy

          Quality control is paramount to your company's reputation and the Microsoft Graph Developer Proxy is a new way to make your products better. The tests can save you time and hassle while improving productivity. Get started integrating this tool with your cloud programs, retention servers and other technology. Talk with Cloudficient to find the best solutions today.

          With unmatched next generation migration technology, Cloudficient is revolutionizing the way businesses retire legacy systems and transform their organization into the cloud. Our business constantly remains focused on client needs and creating product offerings that match them. We provide affordable services that are scalable, fast and seamless.

          If you would like to learn more about how to bring Cloudficiency to your migration project, visit our website, or contact us.

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